A long-time specialty of ours has been developing films to be utilized in the educational world. Whether we are concentrating on professional development, emerging practices such as standards-based grading...or student-focused initiatives such as STEM programs and after-school networks, our objective is to shine the spotlight on the programs and practices you wish to publicize.

These carefully-crafted visual edits achieve their effectiveness by embodying a cinematic approach to filming, unscripted interviews with narrators and a pivotal focus on story-telling in order to drive the narrative. In turn, eliciting a proactive response from the viewer is the end result, as audience members gain a newfound appreciation for your vision and the beneficial services you provide in the field of education.

This film was designed to do more than present the merits of the MSU art degree studies. By embracing a forward-thinking stylistic approach and advanced level of production, the film is intended to be viewed alongside contemporary brand films on a nationwide and even global scale.

What more can you ask for...than the opportunity to make your dreams reality? In this filmic vignette, that precept emerges through a window into Janie Lee's collegiate experience.

In this installment of our film series depicting the nature of a Full Service Community School, the necessity of community partnerships is displayed as an elemental facet of this project.

In this installment of our film series depicting the nature of a Full Service Community School, the spotlight is on connecting students with adults who can mentor them and enrich their lives.

In this installment of our film series depicting the nature of a Full Service Community School, the intent of custom-tailoring services to benefit the whole child is explored, with a special concentration on eradicating child hunger.

In this installment of our film series depicting the nature of a Full Service Community School, the ability to meet the needs of students emerges as a central tenet of this project.

Social enhancement, curriculum, activities, innovative learning. These elements form the nucleus of this successful Extended School Project. With this type of an appealing and engaging program, no wonder students often do not want to leave school at the end of their day.

Developing a trauma-sensitive school embodies a multi-faceted approach to improving the lives of students who have dealt with trauma. Here is how one school is embracing the concept.

By sharing an insight into the hands-on activities of a unique multi-school event known as the "Water Festival", this film reveals the approach of one regional educational cooperative in enhancing the student experience throughout the schools they serve.

Educators learning from fellow educators. That is the core of the Academic Literacy Program. Coupled with mentoring from Dr. Kevin Feldman, the benefits of this program for educators are extolled in our filmic visit to a middle school that models the concept.

Narrated by Luke Schaefer, Director of MDEC (now CREA), this filmic production shares an overview of the valuable services provided by regional education associations, accomplished by focusing on professional development experiences for educators...and coaching from respected leaders in the field such as Marcia Tate and Grace Dearborn.

This filmic treatise utilizes a powerful parallel in the testimonial nature of the narrative, demonstrating the cultivation of effective and empowering leadership in the life of Brent Askvig, Executive Director of NDCPD.

This film series installment showcases the work of NDCPD, a shining example among the University Centers on Disabilities. Stella's story is one of two films where the value of NDCPD's Infant Development Program is witnessed in the progress of a young child.

This film series installment showcases the work of NDCPD, a shining example among the University Centers on Disabilities. Kolt's story is one of two films where the value of NDCPD's Infant Development Program is witnessed in the progress of a young child.

The Setting: a small town school district. The focus: a young student who overcomes her challenges in school due to the intervention of staff and the proactive strategies that comprise the Multi-Tier System of Supports.

Through a personal glimpse into the life of a young student dealing with a medical condition, the vital role of the eCare program is highlighted, showing the virtual provision of professional nursing consultations and intervention in rural schools.

The fundamental importance and growing need of providing nurses to rural hospitals drives the narrative of this campaign development film for Dakota College at Bottineau. Through multiple narrators and a window into the excellence of the program, the goal of meeting the looming challenge of nursing demand is emphasized throughout this extended length film presentation.